Link Feast vol. 58
Welcome to Link Feast. I hope you’ll find something that sparks interest and eureka for you. Next Link Feast will be served on Sunday 28th of April.
If You Have Time For Only One Thing
So You Think You Can Write? by Sarah Callender
On Writing
The Myth of the Natural Writer by Jane Friedman
Wired For Display by Jan O´Hara
How Do You Find the Time to Write by Joanna Penn
New Research Discovers a Formula For Creativity by Ruth Harris
Writing Rules: Should You Always “Write What You Know”? By E.J. Runyon
How Writing Faster Can Vastly Improve Your Storytelling by Kristen Lamb
Get Organized: The Art of a Flow Board by Dawn Field
In Defense of “Unlikable” Heroines: A Case Study of Three Heroines From Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling Series by Aarya Marsden
Discover Your Character’s Goals by Jim Dempsey
What’s the Problem? The Four Classic Conflict Types by Janice Hardy
Why Is Conflict So Hard to Create in Romance? by Janice Hardy
How to Write a Memoir: Have a Skewed Point of View by Matt Bird
*points above* This post is really about how to write a fascinating character with a unique way to look at a world and a unique voice. So the it’s applicable to any genre, not just memoirs
5 Ways to Use Theme to Create Character Arc (And Vice Versa) by K.M. Weiland
What Is the Relationship Between Plot and Theme by K.M. Weiland
How to Use Your Outline When Writing Your First Draft by K.M. Weiland
Smell Your Story by James Scott Bell
The Bi-Cultural Writer by Rheea Mukherjee
World Building: Why Writers Need to Be Sneaky When Building Worlds by William L. Hahn
Worldbuilding: Your Story World’s 101 History by Jami Gold
Worldbuilding a Series: Writing Without a Plan by Jami Gold
What Are Your Readers Thinking by Dawn Field
First Page Critique: The Secret of Thieves by Elaine Viets
First Page Critique: Unearthed by Clare Langley-Hawthorne
Take Five: Susan Spann and Claws of the Cat: a Hiro Hattori Mystery
A 16th century Japanese Ninja and a Portugese Jesuit as historical Sherlock and Holmes. Sold! A fascinating story about a fascinating story
Book Marketing
How to Build an Author Platform by Daniel Gaughran
Saying No to Twitter by Daniel Berkowitz
Juggling Two Author Platforms, Is It Worth It? by Charity Bradford
Why Don’t Publishers Believe in Author Websites by Jane Friedman
This is an old blog post (from 2013) but it highlights the potential problems of an author website. The question asked is: is it better to have no author website at all than a bad author website?
Of course the best thing is to have a GOOD author website that is regularly updated. But not all authors are tech people and can’t maintain their own sites, or pay for someone else to do it. What should they do then? That question the article doesn’t answer but it’s something to ponder about your own website (or if you don’t have one, whether to have one). For example my website needs a new WordPress theme and I need to figure out how to switch to it.
Why Authors Should Believe in Their Websites by Darcy Pattison
Author Website Content: First Blog Posts by Darcy Pattison
20 Ways to Generate Article Ideas in 20 Minutes or Less by Mridu Krullar Relph
(Totally applicable to blog posts)
Deep Stuff
I trained myself to be less busy – and it dramatically improved my life by David Sbarra
Who Wins in the Name Game by Cody C. Delistraty
The Sea Was Never Blue by Maria Michela Sassi (how the Ancient Greek saw the colours of the world)
The Moral Peril of Meritocracy by David Brooks (He talks about how people can find a higher cause and become committed to it and serving others)
This Is How Human Extinction Could Play Out by Bill McKibben
Fun Stuff
Shazam! Review: Shameless mining of Spielberg, Big pays off for DC comics by Sam Machkovech (I saw the movie and it was really fun. I highly recommend it if you like superhero movies that don’t take themselves too seriously)
How the Dragon Prince Replaced Game of Thrones as My Favourite Fantasy Show by Ilana C. Myer
‘Game of Thrones’ Returned – and Returned to Its Roots by Alison Herman
The ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Premiere Exit Survey by The Ringer Staff (7 people share their squee moments and feelings)
Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 2 Trailer by Krystie Lee Yandoli
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